Title :The happiest moment in their life Author :4ndy14 Pairing :RYODA Summary :they just have some free time together Rating :PG Genre :fluff, romance Disclaimer :I own them, in my fantacy ^_^ but the plot is mine...... Warning :un-beta-ed
Title : Birthday Pairing : Ryoda, Akame, Jinda, Koda Summary : birthday between pairs. Ratings : PG-13 Genres : Angst, fluff, comedy. Disclaimer: Still searching for the spell to make them mine. Stories and plot mine.
Title: Routine Length: Drabble Pairing: RyoDa Rating: G Disclaimer: *making a call to Johnny-san* Me: "Can I have RyoDa?" Johnny-san: "It's illegal you stupid. Gezz, why're those fangirls so dumb?" *sulking in the corner* Summary: The first time it happened, the sky was blue and wind was blowing softly.
Title: Ci-chan's birthday! Pairing: Ryoda Genre: uhm...none? Raiting: PG Summary: Ryoda are as late for citraryo's birthday as me.... A/N: This is a very, very belated birthday present for my dear citraryo!! I hope you enjoy it!!!! <3 I'm really sorry for being late! It's all Kame's my final exam's fault!!! :D